quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2013

Bad Blood entrevista

Jay Kwan:

-Where you from?
-I'm from San Francisco,the 'cool gray city'
-What's your envolviment with the fire?
-I am son of the Golden Duck's restaurant owner,I'm trying toi discover how put fire in the restaurant.
-Who put fire in the restaurant?
-Is this that I'mtrying toi discover.
-What is your routine?
-I only stay in my office waiting for a case to desvend.

Louie Kwan:

-What is your involviment with the fire?
-I am the owner of the burned restaurant.
-Who put fire in the restaurant?
-This is what I would like to know.
-What did you saw in the restaurant cameras?
-I saw a figure after putting gasoline and throwing a match, soon after the fire hit the wires.
-What did you do in the fire moment?
-Nothing, I had not noticed the fire.

Amy Trent:

-What is your involviment with the fire?
-I am the assistant of the son of the restaurant owner and detective who is trying to find out who set fire at restaurant.
-Who put fire in the restaurant?
-is what me and Jay Kwan're trying to discover.
-What is your routine?
-I help Jay Kwan with various things, I'm your assistant.
-What you know about Jay's personal live?
-Almost nothing.

Tony Lee:

-Who put fire in the restaurant?
-Just know it was not me ...
-What's your involviment with the fire?
-I usually worked there before the accident.
-How was your relationship with Louie Kwan?
-Was good, and we always worked together.
-What you was doing in the fire time?
-As always, I was just cooking a pasta with meatballs

Harry Wu:

-Who put fire in the restaurant?
-I don't know and you have no proof against me
-What's your involviment with the fire?
-They suspect me without even knowing.
-What you was doing in the fire time?
-I was in prison!
-What's your routine?
-Leaving behind bars and break rocks until ready to eat.

Bernard Lom:

-Who put fire in the restaurant?
-Not me, but soon someone will pay the bill.
-What's your involviment with the fire?
-I am owner of the rival restaurant of the Golden Duck.
-What is your routine?
-Run the restaurant, take care of expenses ...
-Where you from?
-From San Fransisco

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